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Florida Institute of Technology
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Requirements for Admission and How to Apply

Bring your passion for science, engineering, computing, aviation, business, psychology, or the liberal arts to Florida Tech, and we'll help you learn itlive it, and link it to a future you'll love.

Apply to Florida Tech

Thanks for your interest in becoming a Florida Tech student, and congratulations on your decision to apply! You're about to take the same step that more than 65,000 Florida Tech alumni took before they went on to become successful engineers, scientists, astronauts, entrepreneurs, educators, innovators and leaders.

University Application

This is Florida Tech's official application. Prospective undergraduate and graduate students may use Florida Tech's official application to apply for all on-campus, online and Education Center based degree programs.

University Application

The Common Application

Florida Tech is a proud member of The Common Application. If you're a prospective first-year student or transfer student seeking full-time on-campus enrollment, you may choose to use The Common Application to apply.

Common Application